4종류의 상태
1. passive - 시켜도 안함.
2. reactive - 시키는 일을 잘함.
3. active - 활동적
4. proactive - 주도적, 다른 사람도 active하게 만듬.
Last Human Freedom : The power to choose your response to any condition.
The highest value is the power to choose your attitude in situations over which you have no control.
Stimulus -> Power to choose -> Response
Independent Will
Liberty : a condition of environment (external)
Freedom : a condition of person (internal)
The more you control your freedom, eventually you will influence the liberty of your life.
Your head will create your world.
Your response to the stimulus will eventually influence the stimulus.
Vision of the future
Sense of meaning
삶의 의미를 찾아서 - 빅터 프랭클
"어쩔 수 없는 일이 내가 잘 할 수 있는 일마저 방해해서는 안된다."
Private Victories -> Public Victories
Dependence -> Independence ->Interdependence
1. Be proactive
2. Begin with an end inmind
3. Put first things first
4. Think win-win
5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood
6. synergize
7. sharp the saw.
Not value driven but principle oriented.
Prioriting your first things
Not scheduling, relationship first
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