. Syntax and semantics of programs
. syntax : the symbols used to write a program
. semantics : the actions that occur when a program is executed
. programming language implementation
. syntax -> semantics
. tranform program syntax into machine instructions
that can be executed to cause the correct sequence
of actions to occur
. Interpreter vs Compiler
. Interpreter : 느리다. 컴파일이 따로 필요없어서 간편하다.
source 코드를 바로 읽는 다.
. Compiler : 여러 translation을 해서 복잡하지만 빠르다.
target program으로 먼저 번역한다.
. Typical compiler
1. source program
2. lexical analyzer(lexer, scanner)
Regular expression, finite automata, lex
keyword, variable 등을 나눔(lexical token을 구함)
쓸데 없는 blank도 제거
3. syntax analyzer(parsing, parser)
Context free grammar, BNF, yacc(yet another compiler compiler)
parse tree를 만듬.
terminal node를 모으면 program이 된다.
nonterminal node도 이ㅆ음.
4. semantic analyzer - PL에서 다룸
Abstract syntax tree(AST) : parse tree에서 중요한 것만 남김
augmented parse tree : type와 declare된 장소에 관한 정보를 더함.(annotation)
type system
Annotation : symbol table을 이용해서 각 variable이 어디에 쓰이는 지 type등을 적음.
5. intermediate code generator - OS, architecture에서 다룸
function_start(), computer_expr(), assing() ...
AST를 tree traverse하여 depth first search하면 intermediate code가 된다.
Virtual Machine, 3-address instructions
6. code optimizer - OS, architecture에서 다룸
Common subexpression elimination : 한번만 계산하고 저장해뒀다가 사용
copy propagation : 같은 value 한번만 assign
dead-code elimination : 실행 안되는 코드 제거
loop optimizations : loop 밖으로 최대한 꺼냄
function in-lining : 함수 호출을 줄임, 프로그램 크기가 증가함.
7. code generator
Machine architecture
Register allocation
reuse registers efficiently
8. target program - machine code
. Brief look at syntax
. Grammar
e ::= n | e+e | e-e
n ::= d | nd
d ::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
. expressions in language
e -> e-e -> e-e+e -> n-n+n -> nd-d+d -> dd-d+d -> .. -> 27-4+3
. Derivation represented by tree
Tree shows parenthesization of expression
. Parsing
. Given expression find tree
. Ambiquity
. Expression 27-4+3 can be parsed two ways
. Problem : 27-(4+3) != (27-4)+3
. Ways to resolve ambiquity
. Precedence(다른 operator일때) - high or low
. Group * befor +
. Parse 3*4+2 as (3*4)+2
. associativity(equal precedence일때) - left or right
. parenthesize operators of equal precedence to left(or right)
. (3-4)+5 : left-associative
. 3-(4+5) : right-associative
. Theoretical foundatinos
. many foundational system
. computability theory
. Program logics
. Lambda calculus
. denotational semantics : PL의 semantics
. operational semantics : PL의 manual 같은 것
. Tyep theory
. consider these methods
. Lambda calculus(syntax, operational semantics)
. computability theory
. denotational semantics
. lambda calculus
. 가장 primitive하지만 모든 것이 표현가능, theoretical한 증명이 쉽다.
. formal system with three parts
. Notation for function expressions
. proff system for qeuations
. calculation rules called reduction
. additional topics in lambda calculus
. mathematical semantics
. type systems
. history
. original intention
. formal theory of substitution
. more successful for computablel functions
. substitution -> sybolic computation
. church/turing thesis
. influenced design of Lisp, ML, other languages
. See boost lambda library for C++ function objects
. important part of CS history and foundations
. Why study this now?
. Basic syntactic notions
. Free variables : global variable
. Bound variable : function argument
. functions
. declarations - 선언과 정의
. Calculation rule(매우 간단하다) - 단 1개의 symbolic substitution
. Symbolic evaluation useful for discussing programs
. Used in optimization (in-lining), macro expansion
. correct macro processing requires variable renaming
(Name conflict control)
. Illustrates some ideas about scope of binding
. Lisp originally departed from standard lambda calculus,
returned to the fold through Scheme, Common Lisp
. Lambda expression
. Symbolic computation, pattern matching을 잘해서 reduction
. M :: = x (variables)
| M1 M2 (application), M1: function, M2: function의 actual parameter
| lx.M (abstraction), M:function body, x : M의 formal parameter
lx.x = identity function의 abstraction form
lx.(f (g x))
lx.x y == lx.(x y) : 최대한 길게 뒤로 가서 parsing
application, abstration 모두 되므로 ambiguous grammar
. ambiguous grammar
. if there si some string that it can generate in more than one way.
. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambiguous_grammar
ex) CFG, A->A+A|A-A|a, is ambiquous.
. expression
x + y
. functions
. application
(lx.(x+y))3 = 3+y
. Higher-order functions
. Given function f, return funcition f.f
. lf. lx.f(f x)
. How does this work?
(lf. lx. f(f x))(ly.y+1)
=> lx.(ly.y+1)((ly.y+1) x)
=> lx.(ly.y+1)(x+1)
=> lx.x+1+1
. Free and Bound Variables
. Bound variable is "placeholder" - 따라서 항상 rename 가능
. Variable x is bound in lx.(x+y)
. function lx.(x+y) is same function as lz.(z+y)
. Name of free(=unbound) variable does matter
. variable y is free in lx.(x+y)
. function lx.(x+y) is not same function as lx.(x+z)
. Occurrence
. y is freee and bound in lx((ly.y+2) x) + y
. scope
. bound variable : 이름 바꾸기 가능(local이므로)
. free variable : 이름 바꾸기 불가능(global이므로)
. lambda calulus는 static scope이다.
. alpha-reduction : varialbe rename
. beta-reduction : substitution
. (lx.e1)e2 -> [e2/x]e1
. e1의 free variable x를 e2로 clghks
. where substitution involves renaming as needed
(name conflict를 피하려면 renmaing해야 한다.)
. reduction
. apply basic computation rule to any subexpression
. repeat
. confluence : 맘대로 evaluation해도 결과는 같다.
. final result (if there is one) is uniquely determined
. Redex : reducable expression
. Substitution
. [N/x]x = N
. [N/x]y = y where y is different from x
. [N/x](M1 M2) = ([N/x]M1 [N/y]M2)
. [N/x](lx.M) = lx.M (헷갈리는 부분, 두 x의 scope가 다르다.)
. [N/x](ly.M) = ly.([N/x]M) where y is not free in N
(free y를 bound y로 만들면 안된다.)
=> (lx.(lz.(x+z+1))(y+1) (rename을 먼저해야 한다.)
=> lz.(y+1+z+1)
!= ly.(y+1+y+1) (free y를 bound y로 만들면 안된다.)
=> [5/x](lx.(x+1))
=> lx.(x+1)
=> (lx.(ly.y+1))5
=> ly.y+1
!= 5+1
. FV(x) = {x}
. FV(M N) = FV(M) U FV(N)
. FV(lx.M) = FV(M) - x
. function with several arguments(argument가 여러개 일때)
. curried form
. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currying
. ex) f(g,x) = g(x)
. f curry = lg.lx.g x
. f curry g x = g x = g(x) = f(g,x)
. pair notation = curried form
. f=l(g,x).g x
. Recursion and fixed Point
. factorial function
function f(n) { if n = 0 then 1 else n*f(n-1)};
-> 이것은 f의 definition이 아니라 equation이다.
. Equation with recursive definition
f(n) = if n = 0 then 1 else n * f(n-1)
. Get the solution f with above equation, Let
G = lf.ln.if n=0 then 1 else n*f(n-1)
. f is the fixed point of function G, ex f = G(f)
. Fiexed point operator = Y-combinator, domain theory로 증명가능
. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed_point_operator
. fixed point combinator allow the definition of anonymous recursive functions
. a fixed point operator Y
Y = lf.(lx.f(x x))(lx.f(x x))
. Show that Yf = f(Yf)
Yf = (lf.(lx.f(x x))(lx.f(x x)))f
=> (lx.f(x x))(lx.f(x x))
=> f((lx.f(x x)) (lx.f(x x)))
=> f(Yf)
. original motivation for topic
. denotational semantics를 배우는 이유
. Precision
. Use mathematics instead of english
. avoid details of specific machines
. Aim to capture "pure meaning" apart from implementation details
. Basis for program analysis
. Justify program proof methods
. soundness of type system, control flow analysis
. Proof of compiler correctness
. Language comparisons
. Why study this?
. Look at programs in a different way
. Program analysis
. Initialize befor use
. Introduce historical debate: functional vs imperative programming
. program expressiveness : what does this mean?
. theory vs practice : we don't have a doog theoretical understanding of programming language "usefulness"
. Basic Principle of denotational semantics
. compositionality
. The meaning of a compound program must be defined from the meanings of its parts (not the syntax of its parts)
. Exmaples
. P; Q
composition of two functions, state -> state
. letrec f(x) = e1 in e2
meaning of e2 where f denotes function
. Trivial example : binary numbers
. syntax
b ::= 0|1
n ::= b|nb (binary number)
e ::= n|e+e (e: starting symbol)
. semantics value fuction E : exp -> numbers
E[[0]] = 0
E[[1]] = 1
E[[nb]] = 2*E[[n]] + E[[b]]
E[[e1+e2]] = E[[e1]] + E[[e2]]
E : syntatic element를 mathematical(semantic) entity로 mapping
무한한 mapping을 유한하게 describe해보자.(structural induction)
. Second ex : expressions
. syntax
b ::= 0|1|...|9
n ::= b|nb (decimal number)
e ::= s|n|e+e (e: starting symbol)
. semantics
value E : exp -> numbers
state s : vars -> numbers
E[[x]]s = s(x) : variable namve -> value
E[[0]]s = 0
E[[1]]s = 1
E[[nb]]s = 2*E[[n]]s + E[[b]]s
E[[e1+e2]]s = E[[e1]]s + E[[e2]]s
E[[x]]s -> E[[x,s]] : argument가 2개로 늘어난 셈
. x : variable - 어떤 state function s가 name x를 받으면 value를 return
E[[x+z]]는 syntactic element뿐만 아니라 state에 따라 의미가 달라진다.
S0 = {x->4, y->7, z->8}
= E[[e1+e2]]S0
= E[[e1]]S0 + E[[e2]]S0
= E[[e3+e4]]S0 + E[[e2]]S0
= E[[e3]]S0 + E[[e4]]S0 + E[[e2]]S0
= E[[x]]S0 + E[[4]]S0 + E[[y]]S0
= 4 + 7 + 4
. Semantics of imperative programs
. Syntax
. P ::= x:=3 | if B then P else P | P; P | while B do P
. Semantics
. C : Programs -> (State -> State)
. State = Variables -> Values
would be locations -> values if we wanted to model aliasing
. C: P의 semantic function
. Program : Initial state -> final state
. C[[P]]S0 = S1
. Semantics of Assignment
. C[[x:=e]]
is a function states -> states
. C[[x:=e]]s = s'
where s':variables->values is identical to s except
s'(x) = E[[e]]s gives the value of e in state s
. Semantics of Conditional
C[[if B then P else Q]]
C[[if B then P else Q]]s
= C[[P]]s if E[[B]]s is true
= C[[Q]]s if E[[B]]s is false
. Semantics of iteration
C[[while B do P]]
is a function states -> states
C[[while B do P]] = the function f such that
f(s) = s if E[[B]] is false
f(s) = f(C[[P]](s)) if E[[B]] is true
f is recursively defined(사실 define이 아니라 equation)
C[[P1;P2]]S0 = C[[P2]](C[[P1]]S0)
C[[P1]]S0 = S1
C[[P2]]S1 = S2
. Perspective
. Denotational semantics
. Assign mathematical meanings to programs in a
structured, principled way
. Imperative programs define mathematical functions
. Can write semantics using lambda calculus, extended with operators like
modify:(state x var x value) -> state
. Impact
. Influential theory
. Application via
abstraction interpretation, type theory
C[[x:=e]]S0 = S1
modify(S0, x, e) = S1
. What is a functional language?
. No side effects = pure(LISP)
. OK, we have side effects, but we also have higher-order functions
. No-side-effects language test
= Referential transparency
. within the scope of specific declarations of x1, x2, ..., xn
all occurrences of an expression e containing only
variables x1, x2, ..., xn must have the same value.
. Example languages
. Pure Lisp
atom, eq, car, cdr, cons, lambda, define
. Impure Lisp: rplaca, rplacd
. Common procedural languages are not functional
. Pascal, C, Ada, C++, Java, Modula
. Backus' Turing Award
. John Backus was designer of Fortran, BNF, etc.
. Turing Award in 1977
. Turing Award Lecture
. functional prog better than imperative programming
. Easier to reason about functional programs
. More efficient due to parallelism
. Algebraic laws
. reason about programs
. Optimizing compilers(translate가 쉽다.)
. Reasoning about programs
. To prove a program correct
. Must consider everything a program depends on
. In functional programs
. dependence on any data structure is explicit
. therefore
. easier to reason about function programs
. Do you believe this?
. This thesis must be tested in practice
. Many who prove properties of programs believe this
. Not many people really prove their code correct
. Haskell Quicksort
. Very succinct program(5줄 밖에 안된다.)
. This is the whole thing
. No assignment - just write expression for sorted list
. No array indices, no pointers, no memory management
. Compare : C quicksort 14줄
. Interesting case study
. Abstraction이 잘 될수록 high-level이고 사람을 efficient하게 만든다.
. Haskell이 가장 짧고 C++이 가장 길다.
. Relational Lisp이 가장 시간이 적게 걸렸다.
. Disadvantages of functional prog
. Assign이 없으므로 copy를 너무 자주한다.
. Von Neumann bottleneck = stored program
. Von numann - data의 절반이 instruction
. Mathematician responsible for idea of stored program
. Von numann Bottleneck
. Backus' term for limitation in CPU-memory transfer
. Related to sequentiality of imperative langauges
. Eliminating VN bottleneck
. No side effects
. Evaluate subexpressions independently => parallel하게 계산가능
. Does this work in practice? good idea but
. Too much parallelism
. Little help in allocation of processors to processes
. Scheduling overhead가 크다.
. communication overhead가 크다.
. David shaw promised to build the non-Von
. Effective, easy concurrency is a hard problem
. Functional vs Imperative programs
. Denotational semantics shows
. Every imperative program can be written as a
functional program, using a data structure to
represent machine states
. This is a theoretical result
. I guess "theoretical" means "it's really true"
. What are the practical implications?
. Can we use functional programming languages for practical application?
compilers, graphical user interfaces, network routers.
=> I/O, meta circular evaluation이 중요
. Summary
. parsing
The real program is the disambiquated parse tree
. lambda calculus
Notation for functions free and bound variables
Calculate using substitution, rename to avoid capture
. Pure functional program
May be easier to reason about
Parallelism : eay to find, too much of a good thing
. computability
Halting problem makes some error reporting, optimization impossible
. Formal languages
. language - a set of strings
L = {if, while, for, then, else ...}
. string - a finite sequence of symbols from some alphabet
. alphabet - a finite set of symbols
{a,b,c, ..., z}, {0, 1, ... , 9}
. A generator generates members of the set
. A recognizer recognizes members of the set
. Regular expressions
. symbols, empty string, alternation, concatenation, repetition
. Context-free Grammars
. S : statement
. E : expression
. Language : 우리가 작성한 모든 program의 set
. S -> S;S
. S -> id:=E
. E -> num
. E -> E + E
. terminals - tokens : 최종적으로 program에 나오는 것
. Nonterminal - symbols used in grammar (S, E)
. Start symbol - a nonterminal
. Derivation - generating phrases of language by replacing
nonterminals with r.h.s of productions
. 무한개를 생성할 수 있는 이유 : S와 E가 자기자신으로 정의된다.
. Nested structures require recursion
. BNF(Backus Naur Form)
. 1958년 algol의 syntax define시 사용
. CFG define productions
. Each production consists of a
. left-hand side non-terminal, and a
. right-hand side sequence of terminals and non-terminals
. A grammar also defines a non-terminal start symbol
. BNF ex
. Notation typically used for defining languages
<statement> ::= <statement> ; <statement>
<statement> ::= <identifier> := <expression>
<expression> ::= <number>
<expression> ::= <expression> + <expression>
<statement>, <expression>, <identifier>, <number> : non-terminal(< >로 기술)
;, :=, + : terminal
. Extended BNF
. optioanl syntax : [] : 0 or 1번
. Repeated syntax : {} : RE의 *와 비슷
. syntax diagrams
. Derivations
. Begin with start symbol, replace any nonterminal with the rhs of some production for that nonterminal
. leftmost - pcik leftmost nonterninal to expand
. rightmost - pcik rightmost nonterninal to expand
. ex) leftmost
S -> id:= E
-> id:= E + E
-> id:= E + E + E
-> id:= num + E + E
-> id:= num + num + E
-> id:= num + num + num
. Derivation algorithm
1. Begin with the start symbol nonterminal
2. Replace the non-terminal with the right-hand side of a matching production
3. Choose a non-terminal from the resulting sequence
4. repeat steps 2 and 3 until no non-terminals remain
. This algorithm includes two choices
step2. choice of matching production
step3. choice of non-terminal
. Parse tree
. a tree representaion of a derivation
. connect a symbol to the one from which it was derived
. leaf node = treminal
. left most derivation이면 left child들이 더 풍성하다.
. Ambiquity - syntax에는 문제가 없으나 semantics(evaluation)에서는 문제가 있다.
. a grammar is ambiguous if a phase has two different derivations.
. equivalently, two parse trees
. example (rightmost derivation)
. Problems with ambiquity(= grammar의 므ㅠㅑ벼ㅑ쇼)
. If the shape of the parse tree conveys meaning, then ambiquity in a language's grammar(syntax) translates into ambiquity in the language's meaning (semantics)
. Problematic grammar
<statement> :: <condition> | <assignment> | begin { <statement> } end
1. grammar를 다시 쓴다.(Unambiquous grammars) (C언어의 방법 - 가까운 곳에 match)
2. endif를 도입
3. then다음에 if가 올 수 없고 반드시 begin-end가 와야 한다.
. Denotational semantics
formalizeing the semantics of system by constructing mathematical objects with express the semantics of these systems.
. Axiomatic semantics
mathematical logic에 따라 program의 correctness를 따짐.
. Operational semantics
give meaning to computer programs in a mathematically rigorous ywa
. semantics of initialize-before-use
. single assignment
. can bind a value to a name at most once.
. oftern function languages.
. Erlang, Haskell, SISAL
5,6과도 올려주세요^_^;